Showing 1–9 of 11 results

Energy save fireplace Aero Polygon

2.210,00 2.618,00 
A modern and large polygon energy save fireplace from Thermozel which, due to its design line, occupies a relatively small space.

Energy save fireplace PRISMA PF 770 polygon

1.700,00 1.890,00 
Safety, performance and great economy combined by the CAMINODESIGN polygon fireplace PF 770. Available in natural flow or with hot air fan.

Cast iron fireplace with door T 80 polygon

995,00 1.130,00 
Cast-iron fireplace. It is available either with a door opening outwards or with a sliding door or even with two doors.

Energy save fireplace T 65 polygon

1.415,00 1.575,00 
Energy save fireplace made from 4 mm thick steel frame and internally with a cast iron combustion chamber.

Metal fireplace T 65 polygon

955,00 1.115,00 
Metal fireplace in polygon shape. Designed to be placed in an angle and occupy limited space.

Energy save fireplace PRISMA PFH 450 polygon

2.000,00 2.200,00 
The main characteristic of the prism monobloc PFH 450 is the large oblong glass.

Energy save fireplace T 80 polygon

1.520,00 1.700,00 
Polygonal energy save fireplace is made of steel. Inside the fireplace is lined with cast iron plates.

Metal fireplace T 80 polygon

1.035,00 1.210,00 
Made of 4 mm thick steel and internally, the combustion chamber is lined with removable cast iron plates.

Energy save fireplace PRISMA PF 880 polygon

1.880,00 2.080,00 
Panoramic view and visibility from 90º. This model is characterized by high performance and high wood capacity.